Adam and Alison

Elijah John

Ethan Adam

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Welcome Home Baby Ethan

Elijah checking out his little brother Granny with her boys.
Elijah kissing Ethan

Elijah was done holding Ethan so he decided he was just going to push him away.

Things are going great now that we are finally home. Ethan had it rough the first few days of life. He wasn't able to come home from the hospital until Thursday. He had very low blood sugar and Jaundice, as you can see he is a little red. Here are a few pictures of Elijah and Ethan. I know everyone is waiting to see pictures. It has been busy around here so it took me a while to get some pictures for everyone. Elijah is doing great with having a little brother. He peaks in on him once in a while and then he is off doing his thing.

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